By mariquita , 16 August, 2016

If you're interested in data science or Kaggle competitions, you probably need the latest version of xgboost. xgboost has been used to win several Kaggle competitions so, without it, you're at a disadvantage.

If you're working on Mavericks and below, you're in luck. You can easily install the latest version of xgboost without having to install gcc.

By mariquita , 18 March, 2016

I decided to switch to a different web host. In the process, I needed to move files, databases, and email from the old server to the new server.

The files were easy. I'd back them up as a .tgz, sftp them down from the old server, and then upload them to the new server. I would've liked to have sftp'd the files directly between servers but the command failed on both.

By mariquita , 12 March, 2016

A few days ago the iMac wouldn't boot. It had shut down properly so it didn't make sense. I booted up in Recovery Mode by holding down command-R during start up and ran Disk Utility. Disk Utility gave an error where x amount of space should have been written to file but only x-y space had been written. Thus, Disk Utility couldn't repair its own disk.

By mariquita , 11 March, 2016

Last night Peter Wang of Continuum Analytics spoke about the history of Python packaging, showed off Bokeh, and gave previews of what's new on the horizon from Continuum Analytics. I'm very glad I started playing in the jupyter (formerly iPython which is yet to morph into something new) notebook last week using pandas, numpy, and matplotlib.